Registered Vehicle Owner's Name / Nombre del Propietario Registrado* First Last Phone / Número de Teléfono*Email / Correo Electrónico* Address / Domicillo* Unit/Apt # / # Apto. City* State* Zip* Delivery* Mail to Address on Vehicle Registration / Enviar Por Correo Pick-Up @ Town Hall - Collector's Office / Recoger en persona Passenger Vehicle License Plate # / Número de Placa Year / Año de Vehículo Vehicle Make / Marca de Vehículo Purchase Type Actions Edit Delete There are no Vehicles. Add Vehicle Maximum number of vehicles reached. For additional assistance in the purchase of vehicle sticker(s) or uploading insurance and registration identification cards email't owe money* I certify that I do not have any outstanding Cicero parking fines or violations.*Valid Info* I verify that all the information on this form is truthful and valid*Item TotalItem Total Price: $0.00 Surcharge1.75% Surcharge Price: $0.00 Grand Total $0.00 Credit Card* DiscoverMasterCardVisaSupported Credit Cards: Discover, MasterCard, Visa Card Number Month010203040506070809101112 Year20252026202720282029203020312032203320342035203620372038203920402041204220432044 Expiration Date Security Code Cardholder Name CAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.